Alternating Venue Analysis
One question that is nearly always asked is how do the alternating venues affect our attendance patterns?
Our studies for alternating venue shows indicate that a range 32% to 43% of attending organizations will attend both venues. However about a third of those will send more or less people based on the venue’s location. So how do you address your higher cost per impression (direct mail or telemarketing) marketing activities with each alternating year?
Not every location should be treated equally from a marketing tactics perspective.
This is critical when more than 50% of attending locations never send anyone to the alternate venue and even those who go to both may cut their attendance by 80% at the alternate venue.
If you want to make a data driven calibration to your direct mail and telemarketing tactics this analysis will show what business locations to invest more or less in with each alternating venue.
Our clients have realized significant direct marketing savings with this model. It provides the tactical tool to message and allocate marketing touches with data driven precision, while rolling those savings into more productive marketing investments each alternating show year.
Reduce marketing waste by limiting marketing to the most responsive businesses by alternating venue
Answer the question "How do the alternating venues affect our attendance patterns?"
Provides multi-year trending on first timer and repeat attendance dynamics
Improved message and allocate marketing touches with better precision
Reduces marketing cost, gives insight to increase revenue & attendance, and helps your marketing team to predict future results